Wednesday, July 17, 2013

International Relocation Tip #2: 457 Visa

Do your own research. Don't rely on your company or the relocation company to tell you everything involved relocating. That was my mistake. I was told not to worry about anything, the relocation company would handle all of the paperwork. NOT! The first week of July I get an email with attachments with 2 forms to complete totaling 23 pages. Most of the information I had no clue what I was supposed to answer. Then I get to the fun part, children's passport numbers. Okay, I was told they didn't need this for the visa. Phone call to Melbourne, yes, they do. Run around like a crazy woman getting kids passport photos and somewhere that will process them asap on a weekend! Ugh! Then pay to have expedited in Chicago! Can you feel the stress building in me? So, when someone says, "don't worry they'll take care of it", don't believe them. Do your own investigating into what needs to be done to enter a country. Come back later for my tip on packing and moving companies.

Thanks for stopping by! Have a creative day:-)

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